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Concrete sealing and curing agent floor construction

1、根据贵公司实际地坪情况,在不破坏表面的情况下用打磨机打磨地面. 将表面原有残留的混凝土砂浆及灰尘清理干净;
施工步骤:原有地面必须合格(指不翻砂、不毛糙、结构紧密的原浆地面)。 在经清洗或打磨处理后的旧混凝土面施工(地面必须是干净、干燥的):
 第二步; 除尘处理,将基层表面清理干净、除去浮灰,油污等不利于粘结的物质;若基层有坑洼之处需预先补平;依施工面积计量好高渗透密封固化剂用量。
 第五步; 然后使用300号树脂磨片进行研磨,再用500号树脂磨片进行研磨(此步骤需加水进行研磨).最后使用1000-3000号树脂磨片进行精磨。
A clean work:

1, according to your actual floor, in the case of the surface without damage to the surface of the ground
 with a sanding machine, the surface of the original residual concrete mortar and dust cleared;

2, dry floor.

Two, the construction attention to matters:

1. Construction temperature: 1.7 for -57;

Construction method: the original ground must be qualified (not smooth, compact structure,
foundry puree ground).
After cleaning or polishing the old concrete surface (the ground must be clean and dry).:

First step; the first to use 150, resin grinding for coarse grinding (local a rough area 50, resin grinding grinding),
 and 300, resin grinding grinding;

The second step; dust treatment, the base surface is clean, remove dust, oil is not conducive to bonding material;
if the grass a pothole place need to pre reinforcing; in accordance with the construction area of metering
 and high permeability seal curing agent.

The third step; liquid curing agent spraying on the ground, and then use a soft bristled brush evenly coated open,
 so that the entire surface treatment in the wet maintain 2 hours; while the surface infiltration reaction
becomes smooth thick, with water moist sticky surface enable high permeability seal curing agent to
permeable reactive.

The fourth step: the degree of compaction and permeability of surface observation, brushing ground high
permeability seal curing agent.
Surface to be permeable reactive completely (surface water no completely drying
 is better), using professional floor cleaning machine to purge surface and removing the excess material.

Construction time: 1 to 3 hours, the completion of the construction of dry ground can walk.

The fifth step, and then, with the No. 300 resin abrasive disc grinding, then No. 500 resin abrasive disc for
grinding (this step need water for grinding). Finally, using 1000-3000, resin abrasive disc for grinding.

The sixth step; use the brush washing equipment cleaning, maintenance on the ground.

Three, construction tools:

Necessary: polishing machine, polishing film, hard, soft brush, brush, mop, wiper, water spraying kettle

Pick to: cleaning machine, hard disk, removing wax water, detergent

Four, maintenance:

After the above treatment, concrete surface will become more hard, dense, dust, easy to clean, marble - like luster

Do not use other surface wax or sealant:

Frequent cleaning

Need to use the pH value of detergent wash (acidic detergent will destroy the surface of the surface);

If there are some pollutants on the ground, should be washed as soon as possible, because the acidic concentrate
will permanently corrosive ground, and may leave traces of the ground;

In hand standing a good oil decomposition agent, so as to clean the oil stains and grease trace etc.;



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